Organizing a chest freezer – ways to keep your cool when storing frozen food

Organizing a chest freezer isn’t any mean task. But when yours is filled with forgotten leftovers and impromptu supermarket buys, now’s most likely time to tackle the job mind on.

Because of their size, they’re usually positioned elsewhere in your home, like the garage or utility room, so with regards to organizing a kitchen area, it isn’t surprising they frequently get ignored. However, including organizing a chest freezer inside your listing of to-dos is important. A properly-purchased cooking zone isn’t much good with no as well-purchased food storage system in place… the 2 go hands in hands.

Organizing a chest freezer ‘s time wisely spent for many reasons: first of all, it maximizes space for food storage next, it can make food simpler to gain access to. Forget about rummaging around for the thing you need helps you save and energy, and potentially frostbite, too. Lastly, you’ll possess a clearer concept of what food products have been in there so when they should be eaten. What this means is you’re less inclined to buy food its not necessary, which, should lead to less clutter, less cash spent and fewer food waste overall.

1. Plan In Advance

If you are searching for methods to arrange your chest freezer, odds are it’s presently in a condition. Measure the items in the food and discard anything that’s past its best – including individuals products you aren’t sure about. Decluttering is definitely a good option to begin when organizing.

Exercise roughly the number of days it’ll take you to employ in the food you have stored, and hang to start dating ? based on that. This can cut lower on food waste and give you an almost-empty chest freezer, that is much simpler to arrange. Once it’s obvious, go ahead and take chance to defrost it and provide it an in-depth clean.

2. SEPARATE Products INTO Groups

Just like when you are organizing a kitchen, or organizing kitchen drawers, group your products into groups that really work for both you and your household, like meats, veggies, bread, homemade meals, baby food and so forth. Divide them into functional portions, so that you can simply defrost the right amount each time.

When storing them, get a color coded system for added organization – this will make them simpler to achieve for if you are in a rush and reduces the chance of any mix-ups.


Instead of stacking frozen food loose, put them in stacking baskets or obvious freezer-safe bins (ideally with handles) to help keep like-products stored nicely together – this really is as we have learnt from organizing cabinets, that make being able to access small products tricky. These ought to be clearly labeled so everybody knows where products will need to go. Take full advantage of your home by organizing them in layers, keeping products you utilize regularly close to the top.

‘Removing a single container to locate the thing you need will be a lot simpler than sifting through individual items’, states Vicky Silverthorn of You’ll need a Vicky.

Distinct sizes for particular kinds of foods out on another be enticed to overfill – you would like so that you can pull them out having to break your during the process. As a substitute, consider purchasing sliding baskets to prevent getting to get rid of them altogether.


It’s smart to dedicate a couple of from the top baskets for products having a more imminent sell-by date. Similarly, keep longer sell-by foods at the end. This is one way it’s completed in supermarkets to make sure customers purchase the stock losing sight of date first. It’s an opportune hack for the chest freezer.

‘Group foods when it comes to how quickly their expiration date is, this way it’s simpler to keep close track of when situations are sounding and you may reduce food waste’, states interior designer Katharine Pooley.


Although some situations are best kept in original boxes (frozen pizzas for instance) bulky packaging occupies lots of room, and when opened up, isn’t always the very best at that contains items… rogue burgers going swimming at the end of the chest freezer isn’t favorable to smart food storage. Home organizer Kathryn Lord more to Organising recommends sealable, plastic bags (with the air removed) like a space-saving alternative.

‘With half empty packets of junk foods, I cut the instructions using the title from the food in the box and put them within the bag using the products,’ she states.

Put the bags flat within the freezer so that they freeze this way, then you’ve a choice of vertical stacking – handy in case your chest freezer is a touch around the small side.