Naturalistic planting design – plants to use and design ideas

Naturalistic planting design is continuing to grow in recognition recently as gardeners and garden designers embrace the wonder and advantages of this kind of planting.

Inspired through the natural atmosphere, inside a naturalistic planting design design will mimic natural self-seeding and spontaneous distributing as you may get in a field or perhaps in a woodland, with respect to the selected habitat.

The secret gets this well planned planting palette to appear enjoy it has happened naturally, however the style could be coupled with a number of other garden ideas in traditional or modern backyards.

‘Naturalistic planting design does not also have to occur in a massive and incorporating interesting palettes in a number of individual garden beds can produce a sense of rhythm and movement through the garden,’ explains Jonathan Woolfenden, mind of design at Bowles & Wyer.


‘Naturalistic planting design is both great looking, having a lovely gentleness towards the planting, but additionally benefits the soil and encourages wildlife and bio-diversity within the garden, that is essential today,’ states landscape designer Libby Russell.

This kind of planting is an excellent accessory for wildlife garden ideas, that also results in a beautiful plan.

‘Many from the plants utilized in a naturalistic planting design are tough, consistent and complement one another superbly. They seem in the year, have some of seasons of great interest and wish minimal attention and also have strong structure and form,’ advises landscape designer Michelle Brandon .


‘A naturalistic planting design depends on using drifts of plants in apparently random patterns, that are repeated to simulate an all natural atmosphere,’ explains award-winning garden designer David Stevens.

‘Native and species plants that have evolved naturally, will often have a far more appropriate appearance for that essence of naturalistic planting design,’ adds designer Cheryl Cummings

The options and combinations can extend periodic interest based on the habitat that they grow.

‘The skill would be to organise plants so they both look natural but are the most useful performers of the kind,’ states Libby Russell.