How to take plant cuttings – grow more of your favorite plants

Learn how to take plant cuttings, and you will be capable of fill your containers and borders by getting an unlimited method of getting your chosen varieties.

Not only takes plant cuttings most likely probably the most frugal and sustainable garden ideas, but it is also most likely probably the most enjoyable. There is no greater pleasure than propagating and nurturing baby plants – watching them grow large enough to eventually take pride of devote an outdoor.

‘It will take the time to grow baby plants from cuttings, nevertheless it won’t cost you anything, and you will be capable of replicate the specific plant,’ states Period Living’s gardening expert Leigh Clapp.

There are numerous plants which may be grown from cuttings. It is similar to some magic using a handful of careful cuts you could make a completely new plant. It takes practice, preparation and persistence, but rewards while using results.’

Bear in mind that cuttings aren’t in order to of propagating plants – additionally to sowing seeds, learning to divide plants might also let you recreate many varieties. So it’s worth checking just what the best strategy is for that individual plant.


‘Taking cuttings from plants, or propagating since it is technically referred to as, is straightforward understanding how to make it happen,’ states Sarah Raven, plantswoman and founding father from the Sarah Raven gardening brand.

‘We possess a inclination to consider cuttings each year to supply us plants for next spring so when insurance in situation we must replace any frost-easily wiped out plants.’

Different plants make the most of getting cuttings taken at different stages – for example, when learning to take rose cuttings, is often recommended that taking hardwood cuttings (from old growth) is a lot more reliable, while softwood (fresh) and semi-ripe cuttings work most effectively for other plant types. Check before you make the cut.

1. Select The Right Spot To CUT

The important thing to knowing ways to get plant cuttings, is choosing the perfect growth. Always select healthy, straight growth – it must be a non-flowering stem, check there isn’t any buds present.

With softwood and semi-ripe cuttings, browse the plant for energetic growth. ‘Try to choose plant growth that has toughened up somewhat, therefore it is not so soft or bendy,’ states Clapp.

If you are taking cuttings from hardwood plants, then you are trying to find growth produced this year that has had the ability to mature. ‘Ideally you are trying to find material the thickness from the pencil,’ states Charlene Chick-Seward, propagator within the National Trust’s Nymans, a correctly-known Grade II-listed garden in West Sussex, England.

2. Take The CUTTINGS

Ideally take plant cuttings every morning – ‘this occurs when the flower is turgid, or full of water,’ states Clapp.

Only use clean tools, to avoid disease transference.

‘Using a very sharp knife, possess a short little bit of result from the main plant,’ states Sarah Raven. ‘Trim to merely below a leaf joint, and so the cutting is 2 ” (5-6cm) extended. Underneath a leaf node is when there is the finest power natural rooting hormone.’

In the event you aren’t capable of immediately plant your cuttings, you can temporarily put them in to a polythene bag to keep inside the moisture. However, you have to plant them inside a few hrs.


To arrange your cuttings for planting, remove all the leaves, departing only the top pair.

‘If the most effective group of leaves is very large, cut these in 2 across-ways,’ states Raven. ‘This seems brutal, but they’ll stay alive after which photosynthesize, with half the very best area they won’t place as much demand round the stem to draw in up water to assist them. This makes the cutting more vulnerable to root than flop.’

Next, get rid of the stem tip. ‘It’s towards the top the development hormones concentrates, so by pinching it, there’s nowhere with this to go to but lower, so that you can encourage root formation,’ adds Raven.

For hardwood cuttings, produce a diagonal cut towards the top, more than a node. ‘Make sure your top cut is around the slant to help steer clear of the top cutting rotting using the winter several days,’ states Chick-Seward.


Plant your cuttings in free-draining compost. ‘Use a 50/50 combination of peat moss moss-free propagation compost and coarse grit,’ advises Chick-Seward.

Fill your containers then water your potting mix, right before planting the cuttings. When looking for ways to get plant cuttings, you’ll frequently be better to dip the cuttings into hormone rooting powder before planting them, to inspire growth. However, this is not strictly necessary.

Clapp also implies that honey can be a natural alternative, due to its anti-microbial and anti-yeast characteristics. ‘Put a few cuttings in each and every pot, as success is not always guaranteed,’ she adds.

‘Insert your plant cuttings, well spaced, across the side of the containers, a few inches (4-5cm) apart,’ states Sarah Raven. ‘By placing them across the edge, you encourage faster root formation since the new roots quickly hit the medial side in the pot, break, then branch into more lateral rootlets.’

However, if using extended containers, you’ll be able to plant the cuttings consecutively. ‘We place 8-10 cuttings in the extended pot – however a little trench on your lawn might also do,’ adds Chick-Seward.

Push your cuttings to the compost nice deep. ‘Each cutting will require one or more node undercover then one above,’ states Clapp.

Water the compost again, as it’s vital the cuttings aren’t allowed to dry out.


Simply how much protection your cuttings require is dependent upon how tender they are – softwood cuttings tend to be delicate than hardwood cuttings.

‘Cover the pot getting a plastic bag supported on small canes to surround the moisture,’ states Sarah Raven. ‘Pelargoniums will be the exception in the tender perennials and don’t need covering, however, many things make the most of enclosure. For individuals who’ve one, place them in a propagator with some basal heat.’

Hardwood cuttings do not require much protection, while you should ensure the potting mix doesn’t dry out. ‘We find hardwood cuttings do best outdoors in the sheltered position,’ states Chick-Seward.

‘During the summer time time several days, be sure that you retain your cuttings moist, by late summer time time into early fall, you’ll be able to pot your cuttings on.’

Cuttings need good sensational searching not direct sun.