How to prune climbing roses – for maximum flowers

Finding out how to prune climbing roses is essential if you would like these glorious plants to remain healthy and achieve their full flowering potential.

Using their flouncy blooms and heavenly scent, climbing roses are the most evocative, romantic plants, and ought to be the star of the rose garden ideas.

Understanding how to prune roses properly is an important facet of taking care of them. But climbing roses have to be treated just a little differently to shrub roses, to be able to cause them to become grow towards the preferred height and spread.

‘It is essential to prune climbing roses to help keep the rose plant within an overall good shape by encouraging strong vigor, form, and flower production,’ states Kristen Cruz, baby plants coordinator and rose product manager at Star Roses and Plants.

Keep in mind that if you’re planting climbing roses, they’ll need a light touch within the initial few years, until they establish and also be strong roots.

Pruning rambling roses also needs a slightly different approach. So make certain you realize your rose type before grabbing the pruners.


Despite their delicate appearance, climbing roses are sturdy plants, which means you should prune with full confidence.

Even though you cut it well hard, they ought to recover – and even this really is essential to renovate a climbing rose.

But if you wish to train them right into a beautiful shape and maximize blooms, then stick to the correct procedure.


You need to prune climbing roses simultaneously as the shrub roses.

‘It is better to prune climbing roses at the end of winter or springtime, right before or because the leaf buds are starting to swell and begin growing,’ states Cruz.

Timing is a vital facet of understanding how to prune climbing roses, just like you get it done too soon during the cold months, you can expose the guarana plant to frost damage.

‘It may also be harder to recognize the less healthy stems that you will have to prune out,’ states Richard Austin from world-famous rose grower David Austin.

Departing it far too late to prune your roses means you’ll sacrifice lots of fresh growth. ‘However, should you still haven’t pruned by March it’s still better to do this,’ states Austin.

The Thing You Need

Pruning climbing roses is really a hands-on job – particularly when the plants have become to some mature size.

First of all, you have to safeguard yourself. Thorns may cause painful cuts and bear harmful bacteria, in order when planting roses, you’ll need good-quality gardening mitts. Leather gauntlets are perfect, because they may also cover your lower arms. Put on heavy-duty clothing, for example jeans, to reduce tears and scratches.

Should you choose cut yourself, immediately clean the wound by having an antibacterial spray.

Next, make certain you’ve got a rugged pair of pruners. These have to be sharp – either hone them in your own home utilizing a sharpening stone or gemstone knife sharpener, or determine whether the maker provides a sharpening service.

You will have to clean your tools after each rose you prune, to prevent transferring disease.

Keep in mind pruners is only going to cut through eco-friendly rose stems for thicker branches and deadwood, use loppers or perhaps a hands saw.