How to plant snowdrops

Knowing how you can plant snowdrops, you’ll eagerly await the appearance of their mass of vibrant, white-colored flowers that carpet gardens using their nodding heads from late winter.

Among the first signs that spring obtained care of, distinct types of these dainty special gems and you can have snowdrop displays from The month of january right through to April.

These sturdy, fuss-free flowers offer many sizes, shapes, markings as well as colouring many will naturalise readily, while some are respected for his or her rarity.

Whether grown in drifts under trees, in beds, rock gardens or containers, snowdrops make an effect and could be integrated into a variety of garden ideas.


People from the amaryllis plant family, snowdrops look delicate but are actually mostly tough and simple to develop and therefore are a popular plant for winter garden ideas.

If you have never grown them before, try planting snowdrop varieties that naturalise in grass, like the common Galanthus nivalis, single and doubles, and G. elwesii, which flowers a little earlier in The month of january, because these are some of the easiest to develop.

You are able to plant snowdrops in regions that have both cold and moderate winters, and also the cooler the elements, the more the flowers last. They don’t, however, like warm winters, so if you reside in among the warmer zones, for example Florida, you’re unlikely to savor success growing snowdrops inside your garden.

Emulating these flowers’ native conditions will obtain the best results. ‘Woodland settings are perfect for growing snowdrops, and they’ll return every year if given winter low temperatures,’ explain professionals in the Chicago Botanic Garden.

For any natural look, cast the bulbs and plant them where they fall. Snowdrops multiply quickly so plant to permit space for clumps to create.


When selecting where you can plant snowdrops, consider that they’re woodland plants, so prefer some shade under deciduous trees or shrubs. ‘But they’ll also grow inside a more open site as lengthy because the soil doesn’t dry up within the summer time,’ states Sarah Raven.

They like to develop in well-drained chalk and limestone soils, wealthy in leaf mold and organic matter. In case your soil is thin and poor, add organic matter regularly for example mushroom compost, or if it’s heavy add grit to enhance drainage.

They’re going to have just as much impact ‘whether they’re naturalized in large masses, tucked in small pockets in rock gardens, or grown in colonies under springtime-flowering shrubs,’ explain professionals at Chicago Botanic Garden.

The naturalizing varieties look best grown in drifts to create clumps. Because the little faces from the flowers hang lower, to completely admire them – particularly the more costly examples – plant them in elevated beds, inside a wall or on the bank.