How to paint a house exterior

There is lots more to learning how to color a house exterior effectively than just picking out a paint color and brushing it on.

Paint functions to guard outdoors facets of degradation introduced on through the elements additionally to enhancing the feel of a structure. It’s most likely the most crucial top features of house design, and choosing the right color and handle needs to be central for the paint ideas.

To achieve an excellent result, paint should not only look good but be appropriate for which it’s colored over, durable, maintainable, previously appropriate, and well applied. It must be eco appear.

The Best Way To PAINT A House EXTERIOR Using The Proper FINISH

Any new paint ought to be appropriate for existing coatings. For example, utilizing a water-based latex paint over existing alkyd or oil-based paint can result in the old paint detaching.

An important part of learning how to color a house exterior, is selecting paint that’s also appropriate for the building components it’s applied along with your house style.

The walls of several older houses have traditional construction. Therefore, it is vital that the paint is moisture-open, or ‘breathable’, allowing the evaporation of moisture.

If impermeable plastic-based coatings are employed this might produce blistering, moist and cause degeneration.


Gloss paint offers a hard-wearing finish that will help resist marking and cleans well, but highlights surface imperfections and could want more jackets than less shiny paints.

It is best limited to components that are regularly touched and highly visible, for instance front doorways.

Paint getting a lesser sheen, in comparison, is less durable and harder to clean but simpler to touch up.


When deciding the best way to paint a house exterior, a choice of color is much better brought with the house, its surroundings, location and age.

Bear in mind that controls exist on colors in a few protected or designated areas.

Light-colored window frames will often sit easily with buff stonework, whereas dark colors look great with red brickwork.

Consider variation to pay attention to features, for instance timber framing, or possibly different storeys. Lighter colors perform well on upper storeys with increased dark colors lower lower.


Test the paint just before committing in it. Brush sample colors in your building or small MDF boards, and look at them at different occasions throughout the day plus different weathers to evaluate the hue could be the one you need.

Thorough preparation is essential before painting. Surfaces needs to be clean, appear and dry. Scrape and sand loose paint right before redecoration.

Using ‘wet and dry’ sandpaper plus a sanding block will help you with achieving a level finish on joinery.

If you wish to remove paint that could date from before the 1960s, it might be lead-based so utilize a way in which does not create dust or fumes.