How to overwinter dahlias – an expert guide

Because the first frost heralds, it’s time to learn how to overwinter dahlias. Dahlias continuously flower using their beautiful blooms right until the temperature drops and also the frost arrives. At this time, any remaining flowers, buds and foliage will die immediately. So it’s time to start the entire process of protecting your dahlias in the cold winter months to enable them to regrow the coming year.

Much like when finding out how to grow dahlias, working out how you can overwinter dahlias can appear quite daunting – particularly if it is your very first time. In the event you dig them up or leave them in situ? How in the event you keep tubers? Can they regrow the coming year? Each one of these questions are important and also the solutions rely on your area and private preferences.

There are numerous different ways readily available for overwintering dahlias, meaning you will see some learning from mistakes as you determine the very best means by your particular place in the world. Try a number of different approaches to determine what works well with both you and your winter garden ideas?


Planning for a winter garden does involve preparing more tender plants for dormancy during cold temperature. The important thing factor to keep in mind when finding out how to overwinter dahlias would be that the tubers shouldn’t be left to fully dry up, while you would with bulbs. ‘Dahlias need a awesome climate, ample air flow, and being put into a dark area if they’re not kept in soil media,’ states Tammy Sons, who owns Tennessee Online Plant Nursery.

The very first frost marks the beginning of the overwintering period. ‘Wait until a frost has switched the foliage black, then cut the guarana plant lower to around 6 inches,’ advises Tamsin Hope Thomson from Amateur Gardening Magazine, ‘Then lift the tubers and employ both hands to eliminate the soil.’

Getting lifted your tubers, the next thing is to get rid of any rotten or dead matter. The tuberous roots should feel firm to touch and never squishy when pressed. When they do not feel firm or maybe they appear rotten, then take away the rotten material having a clean knife until only healthy tuber remains. Get rid of any unhealthy material in your compost heap.

A few of the tuberous roots might have become detached in the primary body – this really is okay. The loose tubers may either be discarded or store all of them with all of those other dahlia to find out if they may create a viable plant the next summer time.

Dead tubers appear withered and wrinkled. These likewise need removing and can embark upon the compost heap.

‘Do not clean the tubers within tap to obtain water on the tuber at the moment of the year frequently spells disaster. Turn the tubers upside lower inside a crate and then leave to dry for a few days,’ advises plantswoman and dahlia expert Sarah Raven in her own blog.

Next, label your tubers, recommends Megan Promote, category manager of bulbs & perennials at American Meadows. ‘As you construct your assortment of varieties, you will need to remember that is that can come planting time early in the year. Make use of a marker or tie on the label with old twist ties.’

When the tubers have dried up sufficiently, it’s time to store them for that winter. There are many means of storing dahlias. The best way for the way to overwinter dahlias mainly depends upon in which you a storing them. If you’re storing these questions slightly moist atmosphere go for paper bags or card board boxes because these will absorb the moisture in the air. If you’re storing them in somewhere that’s drier, a parcelled up or bin bag is the perfect option because these could be from time to time spritzed with water.

Unlike bulbs they should be insulated to ensure that they’re warm and stop them from becoming dry. You may either cover them in loose, dry compost, sand, vermiculite or straw, or wrap each tuber in newspaper.

Put your tubers inside a dry and awesome place – unheated greenhouses, sheds, porches or even the cellar are great options.

Check up on your tubers throughout winter searching for indications of rot or severe lack of fluids. Should you place indications of rot, cut away the compromised material before you have returned towards the healthy tuberous material. It’s also worth moving your dahlias to some drier place to prevent further rot from establishing itself.