How to design a parterre garden – key points to consider

Parterre gardens could be designed into every size of backyards – from small courtyards to large country plots.

While there is a history dating back to centuries, parterre gardens work nicely inside a contemporary backyard, too.

The pattern of the parterre garden is its most striking feature, and you will find many interpretations of the parterre that may complement other backyard ideas.


If you’re going to plan an outdoor, and have an interest in including aspects of a parterre garden, it’s helpful to understand that you could include even just in small yards – as it is distinguished by its ornamental pattern of symmetrical beds, typically enclosed and created by low evergreen clipped hedges.

There are lots of designs and styles for parterre gardens among garden ideas, varying from historic, embroidery-inspired and intricately fluid designs interlaced with gravel pathways, to more contemporary geometric flower beds inside a lawn or paved area.

‘Don’t feel you need to commit fully to historic style, but introduce elements to some parterre garden that typically wouldn’t happen to be there,’ explains garden designer Richard Miers.


‘Generally the complexness of the parterre garden is determined by several elements: the area available, a garden taste, the architecture of your house and also the available time you’ve for maintaining and clipping the hedging,’ explains garden designer Jo Alderson.

When you may consider a parterre garden suiting a sizable and grand traditional country home, they are able to work wonderfully as well as other small garden ideas in urban backyards.

‘The eye loves repetition which is what keeps the parterre style so timeless along with a feature of gardens around the world,’ concurs garden designer Richard Miers

‘Traditionally the shapes were formal, but because gardening styles have evolved to get more informal, abstract, geometric shapes could work well these look just like attractive and provide a far more classical contemporary feel towards the design. Ultimately it must fit a feeling of space and put,’ he adds.