How to create a Mediterranean garden – plant and design inspiration

Recreating the design of a Mediterranean garden is simpler than you may imagine. Plus, with predictions of ongoing hot, dry summers, making our gardens more resistant against drought is more and more important.

A Mediterranean garden brims with low maintenance, aromatic and architectural plants gravel and paving takes the places of your time-consuming lawns, and seating areas and plants abound, so possess some or many of these elements to your Mediterranean garden suggestions to recreate the design of sunnier climes.


Spring is a perfect here we are at planting a Mediterranean garden, once the soil has heated up just a little, and also to steer clear of the root rot after wet, cold winters.

Pick the best plant for the best place, thinking about both soil and aspect. The nearest you are able to mimic a plant’s native growing conditions the greater chance it’ll thrive with little maintenance needed.

‘Mediterranean plants have evolved to savor lengthy, sunshine, where excellent light quality is essential, so avoid planting within the shade of huge trees,’ advises Peter Johnson, garden manager at RHS Wisley.

Peter offers the following advice for planting:

Mediterranean garden plants prefer free-draining ground, so don’t plant them on the site that’s waterlogged in the winter months

Consider how frost sits inside your garden

A south-facing site that likes sun all day long, protected against the weather, is good

Mediterranean plants generally prefer nutrient-poor soil, so avoid feeding the soil

Prune and clip rosemary oil, lavender and cistus after flowering to prevent them becoming woodsy and leggy

Many drought tolerant plants will form communities of plants along with a answer to this style is repeating planting of only a couple of choices, instead of plenty of variety.


A sunny slope is fantastic for developing a Mediterranean garden style because the drought tolerant plants prefer free-draining soil, but any sunny area works well, having a gravel mulch to help keep the crowns dry and also to offer an appropriate background.

Consider evoking romantic, windswept sand dunes by weaving a wood boardwalk using your Mediterranean garden. Take inspiration from rock garden ideas and edge with rugged rocks and gravel to mirror the shoreline. Plant ornamental grasses and shrubs that mimic nature scrubland present in arid areas.

Take full advantage of dry soil conditions by planting a mix of Stipa gigantea (golden oatmeal), Santolina chamaecyparissus (cotton lavender), nepeta (catmint), salvia and small hebes.