Growing herbs indoors – how to grow a windowsill herb garden

Growing herbs inside is a fantastic way to make sure annually round way to obtain your preferred culinary herbs – they also offer myriad leaf shapes, colors, textures and fragrances for creating wonderful potted displays.

For those who have little if any space for outside plant garden ideas, you’ll be able to rapidly master growing herbs inside. Whether you need to grow a windowsill plant garden inside your kitchen to be used in cooking, want to keep aromatic herbs, like a lavender plant inside your bed room to assist sleep, or perhaps a container of scented lemon balm within the hallway to welcome in visitors, these tips can help you achieve this effectively.

Growing and taking advantage of herbs for his or her therapeutic qualities can also be gaining popularity. ‘You can grow plants for herbal infusions easily, for example while using leaves of mint for relieving upset stomachs, stimulating digestion and easing bloating,’ states Jekka McVicar of Jekka’s family run plant farm.

What’s The Easiest Method To GROW HERBS Inside?

Among the best ways and simplest ways for growing herbs inside is to begin with youthful plants.

‘Starting with youthful plants provides for us an immediate gratification and enables us to begin harvesting fresh herbs faster,’ states Amy Enfield, Horticulturist for Bonnie Plants.

Perennial herbs, for example mint, rosemary oil, sage, thyme and oregano are easiest to develop from youthful plants.

There are lots of plant planter ideas and containers for windowsill plant gardens that may complement your interior plan, or produce a vertical visible on shelves or perhaps in hanging baskets. Glazed containers are perfect for growing herbs inside. Clay or terracotta containers have a tendency to dry up rapidly, mainly in the winter.

‘Herbs need room to develop, so make certain to pick a container that provides them some space,’ explains Amy Enfield of Bonnie Plants.

‘For most herbs, a 6in container works fine. Make certain it’s drainage holes, as herbs hate relaxing in water as this makes their roots to rot. To safeguard your tabletop or windowsill, make certain you then have a water collection tray to sit down underneath your plant,’ adds Amy.

‘When planting plant plants in containers, just use a soil mix that is made for indoor containers,’ advises Shannon Caringi founding father of Trillim Living.


There are lots of herbs that grow easily inside, and a few herbs grow better inside than the others.

‘Because from the reduced light levels inside, herbs that grow well in partial sun outdoors are the most useful choices to grow inside,’ explains Amy.

One of the easiest herbs to develop inside are: