Garden trends 2022 – 5 of the latest looks and new ways to garden

As spring is coming, garden trends – in the new design styles and concepts for the outside spaces to the way we approach gardening itself – start to blossom. And, using the likelihood that we’ll be utilising our gardens more in 2022 than we have ever have before, we are prepared to turn our meters into stylish extensions in our homes – another ‘room’ we are able to enjoy and relax in.

The Very Best GARDEN TRENDS 2022

Fundamental essentials top garden ideas and garden trends for 2022 to influence you within the right direction. In the best small garden ideas and sustainable gardens to garden palettes and garden decorating ideas, we’ve your back.


Kristina Clode believes that gardens, present and future, have to be designed to handle more and more wet winters and hot, dry summers. ‘We have to consider global warming and whether your tree will still thrive in 50 years’ time,’ she states. Her Mediterranean garden idea would be to turn to other climates on her plant choices.

‘I am thinking about using hardier trees in the Mediterranean region which are close relatives in our native trees.’ She also expects to make use of more Mediterranean shrubs along with succulents, grasses and perennials. Kristina won a dual award within the The perception of the Atmosphere and also the Judges’ Award groups on her entry, Sedlescombe School Physical Garden.

2. Your Garden LAWN Is A Factor Of History

Searching towards the future, Sara Jane Rothwell MSGD feels that lawn edging ideas will quickly give way to some more naturalistic type of planting.

‘Planting wise, customers are veering towards more naturalist styles, and therefore are beginning to know that the large lawn is greater maintenance than large planting and garden edging ideas, and isn’t so great for that atmosphere, supplying hardly any wildlife habitat and requiring pesticides and weekly mowing to help keep it searching smart.’

In addition to winning the Medium Residential Landscapes & Gardens and Planting Design groups, Cholmeley Crescent – created by Sara Jane – seemed to be voted through the idol judges because the Grand Award Champion of the year’s SGD Awards.

3. PLANT A Good Amount Of Aromatic HERBS

Joe Quick MSGD uses an array of plants that reflect and highlight each season over the year (eg spring bulbs, selection of perennials and grasses for summer time, good fall color, a diploma of evergreens and tree bark for winter interest) in addition to many scented, aromatic and tactile plant garden suggestions to build relationships so people can savor the outdoors and recuperate.

Together with his designs like Stoke Mandeville (champion from the Healing, Learning or Community Landscapes & Gardens award) as living evidence of the healing power gardens, could we use these kinds of plants more within our own spaces by harnessing them being an help to our health and wellness?


Searching toward new and emerging trends, Tony Forest MSGD from the Garden Club London reflects: ‘One from the greatest trends that I’ve come across is using geometric form utilized in paving, furniture and layouts. I believe this comes from natural forms and materials getting used both in exterior and interior design and also the trend is converting into off-the-shelf products including furniture and planters.’

Tony and the team in the Garden Club London capped the little Residential Landscapes & Gardens category using their Borough City Sanctuary.


New kid on the market Sheila Jack believes that the coming year we’ll go beyond appearance and functionality in outside living areas.

‘Our outside living experience ought to be one which truly engages all of our senses. I’ll be searching to include elemental features which will stimulate all of the senses – seem and reflective characteristics water warmth, aroma and flickering light of lovely outside hearth ideas textural materials and aromatic planting.’

The Field Garden, a metropolitan courtyard garden idea, won her the new Designer award in the SGD Awards. It shows the way a diminutive, rather neglected plot with privacy and boundary issues might be changed into a stylish retreat with precision-cut concrete and field chic planting.